What others say about us

Forrest Gump war right. Our LPs are like a box of chocolates—you never know what you’re going to get. Musically at least. But this box of chocolates is transparent because on this page you’ll find what others such as music or audio journalists, competitors or other important people say, write or think about our LPs.

«A Record That Tells You How Great Your System Can Sound. (…) Sonically and musically this is

at the top

of the audiophile record charts. Were I running a room at AXPONA or FLAX or CAP or SW Audiofest I'd be playing this one. I'll bring it to AXPONA.»

Michael Fremer, Tracking Angle, March 2025

«Received Vol II a few days ago. Again,

very well done.

I love how all the bass is adequately loud as if they could have been in my room. I find many records produced for ‹Audiophiles› sacrifice the bass level for a sense of transparency. For me, it doesn’t have enough meat on the bones. Bass is the foundation of music.

Great work!»

— Richard Vandersteen, Vandersteen Audio, March 2023

«It would be a mistake to praise only the virtuosity of the artists or their music. Instead, the producer, the seven-piece band, the Powerplay-Studios in Maur, Switzerland and not to forget Nordsø, the pressing plant in Denmark, have created a


hardly to be surpassed in terms of purism and TLC to which each and every one has contributed her or his best. In short: This wonderfully sounding album offers nothing but joy — to the reader and to the listener alike.»

—Matthias Böde, Stereo 10/2022

«The result is the sonic proof that all efforts have paid out. (…)

This should be used for demos at shows because you will get Swiss Quality, not canned fast food; a transparent, almost translucent acoustical meal, fresh from the mountains, in the finest of qualities. How do they say so nicely?

Get it while you can. It will not get any better.»

—Christian Bayer, Image HiFi 2/2022

«This raises the bar to

world record heights

in each and every aspect. I can therefore only recommend you order before the supply is gone.»

—Claus Müller, Analog 2/2022

«Perfect Quality.



— Concerto (Austria), 3/2021

«Audiophile Dream

come true. With remarkable consequence, Swiss producer Robert Merker has created a piece of purely analog vinyl culture. […] The pressing is extremely quiet.»

— MINT, 7/2021

«Listening to this jazzy trip from the


of analog

waters, the sheer yet finely nuanced power of trumpet player supreme Malo Mazurié’s solos can knock your socks off. And when Denise Gordon raises her magic voice, the caribbean singer occupies center stage with intangible tangibility (so much for oxymorons!)»

— Audio 8/2021

«Producer Robert Merker hasn’t cut any audiophile corners. The booklet describes the enormous effort that went into this record, and the outcome more than justifies the means. This record is


in terms of dynamics, transparency, and details. It features traditional jazz played with devotion, an exceptional trumpet player and a fascinating female voice.»

German Audio magazine rates Soulful Journey with the maximum of 5 ears for sound , 4 for the music and 4½ for the pressing quality, and recommends the LP with the label Klangtipp (recommended for sonics)

— Audio 8/2021

«Jesus. Wow!

I mean I expected good sound, but this exceeded the high bar I had. I’m not sure I’ve ever heard a better combination of piano and bass on a recording. The horns and drums are excellent too, but the piano and bass are jaw dropping.

I have some very good recordings of piano but even the best of them tend to suffer to varying degrees either on the top end or the bottom end. Very very few are well recorded through the piano’s full range. On this LP I hear a real percussiveness and depth to the bass notes (or bottom end) and yet the midrange and treble come through crystal clear with just a hint of shimmer. I was really struck by that right off the bat. I think that’s the glory of the recording.

The soundstage is large and unwavering, and the overall ambiance is indeed redolent of those great Blue Notes.

You just don’t hear sound like this anymore.»

—Tom G., a very critical listener, Basel/Switzerland, November 2021